Saturday, October 9, 2010

Livestock in my life

Oh this might make you think a little more about eating meat.
I see more animals along my route to school that I just had to add some photos to prove it. There's the pen of 6 goats watched over by a oh-so-typical elderly man in one of the persian wool hats. I'm trying not to be too obvious when I take photos, so haven't got a good photo of him yet. Of course there are chickens in the backyard, but mostly it's the butchers I hear sharpening their knives and a calf about a block away awaiting its fate.
Some other pics of the boulevard that I walk and the general condition of the street. I get the impression that I'm in a fast growing suburb of Sumgayit that is also having a housing downturn. That is, many new and vacant buildings. And did I mention no housing code? Men herding sheep along the street, little structures thrown up to sell fruits ad veggies, and 3 huge luxurious "wedding palaces" all along the same road. Plus people waiting along the street for the right-numbered marsrutka (minivan) to stop for a ride.

So here goes a few photos - server slows down when lots of PC trainees come here, so can't upload as many as I'd like. And yes, there are roosters in the neighborhood that wake me up a little before I hear the call for prayer from the local mosque.

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